Commercial Security System

Discover the factors that influence the cost of a commercial security system and learn about the estimated expenses involved. Safeguard your business with the right security solution.


Introduction: When it comes to safeguarding your business premises, investing in a commercial security system is essential. Not only does it provide protection against theft, vandalism, and other security threats, but it also offers peace of mind for business owners and employees alike. However, one question that often arises is, “How much does a commercial security system cost?” In this blog post, we will delve into the various factors that influence the cost of a commercial security system, helping you make an informed decision for your business.


Why do I need a Security System: According to Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) 2019 crime statistics, 37.2 percent of all reported burglaries occurred at non-residences, including stores and offices. With these statistics and other concerns, adding a commercial security system to your business provides peace of mind—even when you’re not there.

  • 60% of burglars are deterred by an alarm system.
  • 60% of commercial burglary attempts occur after business hours.
  • Nationally, businesses lose $25,000 to $33,000 every minute to shoplifters

Understanding the Cost Factors: The cost of a commercial security system can vary depending on several factors. These include the size of your business premises, the level of security required, the type of equipment and technology used, and the ongoing monitoring and maintenance services. Let’s explore these factors in more detail:

  1. Size of Business Premises: The size of your business premises plays a significant role in determining the cost of a security system. Larger premises may require more equipment, such as cameras, sensors, and access control systems, resulting in higher installation and equipment costs.
  2. Level of Security Required: The level of security needed for your business can vary depending on various factors, including industry regulations, the nature of your business, and the location of your premises. Higher-security requirements may involve additional features like advanced surveillance systems, biometric access control, and intrusion detection systems, which can increase the overall cost.
  3. Equipment and Technology: The type and quality of security equipment and technology used also impact the cost. High-quality cameras, sensors, alarms, and other security devices may come at a higher price, but they offer enhanced performance and reliability, ensuring a higher level of protection for your business.
  4. Ongoing Monitoring and Maintenance Services: Apart from the initial installation costs, businesses need to consider the cost of ongoing monitoring and maintenance services. These services can include 24/7 surveillance, remote monitoring, alarm response, and regular system maintenance. The extent of these services will depend on your specific security needs, and they contribute to the overall cost of the system.

Estimating the Costs: While the specific cost of a commercial security system can vary, it’s helpful to have a general idea of the average expenses involved. According to industry research and statistics, here are some estimated costs associated with commercial security systems:

  1. Installation Costs: On average, the labor costs for wiring and installing a small business security system range from $500 to $1700.
  2. Equipment Costs: The hardware for a commercial security system can range from $1,000 to $3,000, depending on the number and type of components required.
  3. Monitoring Costs: Monthly monitoring fees can range from as low as $15 to $120 or more, depending on the level of service and the number of devices being monitored.

It’s important to note that these figures are estimates, and the actual cost will depend on the specific needs and requirements of your business. To get an accurate cost estimate, it’s recommended to consult with reputable security system providers who can assess your premises and provide customized solutions.


Conclusion: Investing in a commercial security system is a crucial step in protecting your business, assets, and employees. While the cost of a commercial security system can vary based on several factors, understanding the key considerations and estimated expenses can help you make an informed decision. By evaluating your business’s unique needs and consulting with professional security system providers, you can determine the most effective and cost-efficient solution for your business.

Remember, the safety and security of your business should never be compromised, so investing in a reliable and robust commercial security system is a wise choice.


ESI Fire & Security Protection is one of three Honeywell Platinum dealers in Texas and is backed by over 20 years of industry experience. We provide complete security and fire protection services, including Mobile Security Trailers, for businesses, organizations, government buildings, and restaurants throughout Texas and surrounding areas. Contact us today to see how ESI Fire & Security can help secure your organization.

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